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  • In Urbana IDR


urbana rehabilitacion

About Urbana IDR

About us

Urbana IDR specializes in rehabilitation, repair and maintenance of any type of construction.

Our solid trajectory has made us a leader in performing repairs. This has been possible thanks to the large group of technicians and skilled professionals, who are an important team to serve our customers.

What do we offer?


Since the founding of our company, our main activity has been the rehabilitation and repairing of buildings, allowing us to provide better service and differentiate against other business.


Based on the accumulated experience and high technical training of our staff, this is an essential aspect in the improvement of professional service to our customers.


This is our priority objective in our business policy, to do so we assign sufficient means, staff and equipment, to carry out the work. Also, to verify the degree of compliance, we implemented the quality system with the ISO 9001 certified and audited annually by AENOR.

Environmental policy

We consider essential the preservation of the environment for which we have implemented a specific management system certified and audited by AENOR UNE-EN. ISO 14001.

Service Policy

Oriented to customer satisfaction, seeking advice to owners, managers and designers, such as technical alternatives for carrying out the works, assessing the execution and operation costs in time, this, might allow to choose the most suitable solution.

Either by collaborating, in both, the management and processing aids and grants for the rehabilitation of buildings, and obtaining every one of the required permissions to perform the work.