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  • In Urbana IDR


urbana noticias


Posted on 2012-01-23




Manuel Galdón is the first artist chosen to begin Alacant Public Art, a project of aesthetic renovation of the streets of Alicante undertaken by the Department of Urban Image. The venue is the parking Canalejas, a dark sinking building of this area in complete denial as transitable space. Another action of this beautification project of the walls and party walls that the city offers is another mural, done by Alicante Colors, with cinematic motifs in the basement of the back of what was the Cine Avenida de la Rambla. But the action, the work of Manuel Galdón, "Mosaico de Miradas. Ahí arriba… ¿o ahí abajo?" is distinguished not only for its technique and material, but also for its conception and the way of addressing the public.

Different characters, almost the same monkey gestures and clothing variations, which in its simplicity represent the variety of urban resident. They look up, if we were looking down, of course. It is we who look upward toward the building's facade chamfer, but we see low, so we are high, we elevated from that dark alley. Artwork result of the experience of an artist trained in illustration, design and corporate communication.

That is, in knowing convey an idea with the picture and wrap her with all the elements necessary for this, a start appealing scene while reporting in order to appeal to all kinds of audiences. But the image, the idea, is mainly imposed by the simplicity of a drawing outline of synthetic comics. The key is that the project, composition, involves a broader, both social information such as plastic. The drawing contains much of the gains of the comic, that recently, synthesis, spatial conception.

The drawing is from synthesis, which at times uses the accumulation of its graphics, profuse and repetitive elements composing space. But most of the western comic is based on less is more, and that is the vision of a diverse group of characters in different actions, based on the same monkey. A full investigation in which nothing is random, there is a domain of online and synthesis versus traditional academically perfect model but less expressive drawings with these three lines. These initiatives are those that give personality to a city.

Starting with a quality project and the impact is a major stimulus for the following artists. Besides offering the opportunity to undertake a different project than usual and the answers may be very different. A great stimulus for creation. An exciting project, which will benefit the city.

Source: Diario Información