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urbana noticias


Posted on 2011-02-24



fachada tabacalera

The historic facade of what was in Alicante House of Mercy, episcopal palace and after Tobacco Factory shines with all its beauty thanks to the restoration work that has been made in the same. The completion of the work today has been reviewed by the Mayor of Alicante, Sonia Castedo, and the Deputy Mayor for Culture, Miguel Valor, whose department has managed the work in which they have invested 230,000 EUR, according to what have noted in the place.

The mayor, accompanied by several members of the Corporation, has traveled throughout the front, 50 feet long, having several architectural groups of stone, in which represents the Virgin of Mercy, with its open robe, a Sacred heart, with four cherubs, and a royal shield, on which are other seraphim.

The facade corresponds to a building built in 1751, which it was kept in good condition. The two large gates thereof were unchanged. The main was extended to allow entry of machines that provide the Tobacco Factory and the second was transformed into a panoramic window, although it is evident in its full stone frame.

The mayor expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of rehabilitation, which returns its elegance "one of the most beautiful historic buildings of the city." Sonia Castedo explained that working on "future projects" for the centenary of the factory building was transformed into a cultural complex, which already works to complete the name of Las Cigarreras in the three adjoining warehouses. The first municipal authority added that activities that attract a large contingent of people will be sought. Home to the University for Seniors would be one of its possible uses. The large building, about 30,000 square meters, looks expensive works of improvement, before defining their uses.

Sonia Castedo and Miguel Valor have made clear that the complete rehabilitation of the old Tabacalera that it is a major project, which would cost about 25 million, so we estimate that will be carried out in stages in the coming years.

The House of Mercy and Bishop Gómez Palacio de Teran was then transformed into the production center as a result of the creation of the third Alicante Tobacco Factory of Spain, in 1801. Alicante Designation of the Treasury made ​​public, which had a monopoly on this product.

Source: El Periódic