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urbana noticias


Posted on 2014-01-22



Intervention in the Plaça de la Fruita. Archaeological tasting sessions started a few days ago, but it has been more than enough time for them to start out the first witnesses of the last town. First was the paving of the square that was the middle of last century, after the remains of a building of the XIX century, and now, as residents and businesses predicted, the earliest Islamic walls, just in the area where an intervention was made in the 2000.

It was virtually took for granted by everyone, but at this point the existence of Islamic remains in the Plaça de la Fruita was confirmed yesterday, right in the area near the Central Market, where back in 2000 a first intervention that aimed burying the containers in a performance that finally never saw the light, and led to the re-covering of the walls. Moreover, in 2008 a similar action in the square took place, but it was more in the vicinity of the house of Bethlehem, that also revealed the existence of small-sized Almohads housing.

The buildings along the market had already been revealed on Friday. However, from the government team, they simply talk about "ancient walls" and "structures that appeared in 2000" but did not specify anything about the period referring. However, they spun thinner when defining the remains that appeared in the vicinity of the new City Hall area, saying that they were the remains of the old place that belonged to the forties or fifties, and a building from the nineteenth century.

The situation, in any case, changed yesterday, coinciding with the visit of the of the Coordinator of Culture, Pablo Ruz, and the Pimesa manager, Antonio Martinez, the area in which archaeological tastings were taking place, as a prelude to the construction of the new Central Marketin the event of that the findings will allow it. It was at this stage of the game on wherein the archaeologist Ana Valero not only confirmed the existence of remains of the square half of last century and the building of the nineteenth century, but also what she called "walls of Islamic mud ', a depth of 2.20 meters, which, for now, it seems the high water mark, although polls will be made. Regarding the use that would have given to this construction, she emphasized the need to wait to continue the work, but said that, for now, early indications suggest that it could be a sort of warehouse for the typology of walls.

As regards to the house of the nineteenth century, the specialist explained that this could be the house that hoisted the square at the time. However, what is still missing is the fountain of the Alcoraya that, according to the archaeologist, has a square structure and could be at the center of the area that is being excavated.
In these early days, and although the remains have been found, the work has focused on raising the pavement, and it was not until yesterday when manual intervention itself started. In total, seven laborers and two archaeologists work.
Source: Daily information